Real Time Monitoring
Real time vehicle monitoring allows images to be refreshed in real time on the bottom of the monitoring screen. Different color labels can be used to mark different types of registered vehicles. (Resident, Guest, VIP, Black list) You can also open a barrier gate directly from DSS.
Entrance Exit Records Search
“Info Search” allows you search the entrance and exit records by designated points, time, vehicle attributes and license plate and displays the capture images of the records.
Parking Overtime Alert
The “Parking Overtime” alert notification can be used to indicate if a vehicle has stayed passed its allotted time slot.
Parking Lot Management
DSS can manage multiple parking lot entrances and can work with multiple ANPR cameras setup at entry and exit points. DSS can accurately determine how many vehicles are in a parking lot based on the number of entry and exit points. You can also setup the number of parking spots for each parking lot.
Allow/ Block List Management
The notification allows management to view who is on the allow/block list. It also has the capability to export a report of recorded instances.
Vehicle Management
Vehicle access management has become increasingly difficult to maintain for various facilities and institutions. Being able to identify vehicles accurately and efficiently at single or various entry points is a solution that can be applied to a multitude of scenarios.
The License Plate Recognition technology, and in turn license plate recognition cameras have become more advanced due to deep learning algorithms, providing more accurate reading of license plate numbers, with less camera positioning adjustments.
Due to such advancements, a license plate recognition camera is the perfect addition to any vehicle management system. Whether it be for schools, commercial real-estate, office buildings, or hospitals, the license plate recognition camera can be considered the missing piece to any vehicle management system. Below are multiple examples of how a vehicle management solution can become better by utilizing License Plate recognition cameras.
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